The Chicago Project
Some photographers live near great mountains or deserts, canyons or coastlines. I live near a great city.
It is said that Chicagoans love to talk about their city. There is an old story about a funeral in New York that is reported in the 1920 guidebook “The Book of Chicago”. The clergyman, not having much to talk about, asked those present if they would like to say a few words about the departed. There was silence until a stranger stood up and remarked that, as no one seemed to want to talk about the deceased, he would like to take the opportunity to tell them something of Chicago.
Let me tell you something of Chicago.
In addition to the downtown area, Chicago is a vast metropolis consisting of 77 official community areas which cover 234 sq. miles and provide homes for 2.8 million residents. The Chicago Image Gate Project is a multi-year endeavour to
photograph every neighborhood, documenting typical houses and factories, parks and monuments, churches and schools, shopping streets and bridges.
Started in 2007, the project is now nearing completion, except its like painting a bridge - once finished it's time to start again.
All of the photos on this site are for sale, and can be found in my keyword searchable portfolio at iStockphoto.